sculpted strong mom

Build muscle, lose bodyfat, and feel confident in your body!

Does this sound familiar?

  • Ever since having kids it’s been harder to lose those last 5-10lbs and now your clothes aren’t fitting right

  • After COVID hit you started working from home, or changed jobs, and you’ve slowed down

  • You under-eat during the day then over-eat at night and on weekends

  • You’re just going through the motions of your workouts, trying different online programs or old programs, but getting bored of them

  • There’s no real structure or cohesiveness to your workouts & nutrition

  • You know you have to lift heavy to change your body composition, but you’re worried about re-injuring yourself 

YOU’RE NOT ALONE! I’ve heard this hundreds of times.

The good news is that you still have control of your results, and you can start turning things around the minute you’re ready to.

Having FUN bikini shopping, like my client Hana who couldn’t pick between three bikinis for her family vacation because she loved them all!

Going out for dinner and not feeling stressed about what to get, like Shelley who plans her restaurant meals into her food log so she knows exactly what to order to hit her fitness goals (and no, she’s not just getting the salad)

Squatting without pain, like Regan who can leg press 450lbs pain-free after being unable to do a lunge 6 years ago

Feeling so damn proud of yourself for being consistent, like Alex who keeps showing up to workouts even when she’s tired and doesn’t love working out 😅

Having clarity about how to adjust your workouts and nutrition based on your progress, like Samantha who now sees “the big picture” and strategy behind the process of getting toned

Instead, this could be you

Sculpted Strong Mom is a 6-month coaching program designed to bring your training, eating, assessment, and momlife habits into alignment (notice that spells TEAM?!) so that you can get the absolute most out of your time, and stop spinning your wheels.

“I can totally see this for me!”

We’ll cover…

  • Training

    Your workouts will be centered around muscle and strength-building to change your body composition, get more toned and improve metabolism.

    We'll use progressive overload & intensity techniques to keep the momentum going, and work on exercise technique to keep you safe.

  • Eating

    I’ll teach how to use Flexible Dieting to eat the right amount of calories and protein to build muscle and lose bodyfat.

    We'll work together to tweak to your existing diet so you can still eat the foods you love while building a body you love just as much.

  • Assessing data

    Your measurements, macros, and workout logs all paint a picture of how you’re progressing and how we should adapt.

    Throughout the program we’ll check your metrics regularly and talk about what they mean. Don’t worry - I’ll be doing all this for you! But I like to show you what I’m seeing from a 10,000ft view.

  • Momlife Habits

    The piece that marries your fitness to your momlife are your habits.

    Together we’ll come up with simple systems you can fit in your schedule to make things like meal planning super simple and highly sustainable.

This is a high-support coaching program

You’ll get hands-on help figuring out how to make this work for YOUR body, YOUR family life, YOUR reality.

You'll get full access to me, my brain and my 4 years of experience helping moms just like you.

Let’s break it all down

Here’s what you’re getting

  • 1x monthly 1:1 zoom call​

  • ​​1x weekly accountability check-in 

  • 2x weekly group calls (optional)

  • Ongoing support via DM’s and our community forum

…. and that’s just the coaching! You’ll also get:

  • 6 months of customized workout plans with exercise demos + progressions

  • Customized macros & Sample meal plans 

  • Course content with educational videos, 75+ recipes, FitMom Meal Planning System, Fitmom Food Swap guide, tutorials, and tip sheets 

  • ​And a safe space community of moms who “get it” 

What’s inside

Training App

Customized workouts with recommended reps & sets, exercise demonstrations, warmups, and data collection.

Meal planning

The meal planning app we use makes eating well practically FAILPROOF!

Course content

12 modules covering training intensity, recovery, lifting form, macro planning, and more.

zoom calls

Twice per week zoom calls to review exercise form, get feedback and guidance on nutrition, and general Q&A.

“This is what I’ve been looking for!”

As a fitness professional navigating hormonal changes, self employment and a heavy workload, I was struggling in a yo-yo slump. Tess was able to pull me out of my head and help me see the big picture, giving me sustainable dietary structure and frequent feedback. She has the technical knowledge to help you on any leg of your journey - whether just starting or 15 years in.” - Samantha Jacoby

I’m really glad to be working with (Tess) and feel like I’m learning a LOT; I’m really proud of me for keeping my promises to myself and working hard. I’m seeing a lot of body recomp and that makes me happy.” - Lisa McLean

“Tess is great to work with no matter where you are at on your health journey. She is very goal based and responsive to any questions or frustration I have had on my own journey. She does this in a very kind approach even when things get tough. Even as a previous physio and now MD, I learnt a ton from Tess’s objective approach. I learnt a ton about macros and body metric measurements that have now helped guide a more long term plan and get out of my chronic yo-yo approach that just doesn’t work now as a working mom approaching 40.” - Hana Alazem

Are you ready to finally establish a long-term plan so you can stop this cycle of the yo-yo weight gain & loss that you've gone through for way too long?  Are you ready to feel strong and be happy with how you look again?

“I’m done putting this off, let’s go!”

Frequently asked questions

  • You don’t HAVE to do anything! But I can tell you that using an app to plan your meals is hands down the most efficient way to get to your goals without cutting out food groups, starving, or selling your firstborn. Which is why I use this method. Once you have a handle on what it feels like to eat for your goals then you can/should transition out of macro tracking and into a more “intuitive” way of eating.

  • Listen, something is always bound to pop up, which is why I’ve built a “flex week” into the program in anticipation of trips, heavy workweeks, sick kids, etc. But honestly, when was the last time you had 12 straight weeks of NOTHING coming up? Exactly. It’s time to learn how to make this work EVEN when you’re busy, ‘cuz if you can do that... the rest will be cake.

  • Enrollment is open and ongoing! Whenever you're ready to start getting results, I'm ready to help!

  • If you’re someone who’s already spending 30-60 minutes exercising a few times per week, and you cook 1-2 meals per day… then this program will likely just fit into those existing slots. The only new habits you’ll have to create are planning meals and making notes on your exercises, which you can do while you wait at your kid’s soccer practice or watch tv before bed. It takes no more time than what you’d spend on Instagram ;)

  • Nope! Your workouts are customized to you and your equipment, home or gym. But be warned that I have a talent for making women stronger than they ever imagined, and you may find yourself needing heavier weights soon!

  • Heck yeah, lady! Come on in!

So, what’s next?

Once you've completed your application we’ll have a consultation call where we'll make 100% sure that this is the right program for you, and you are the right fit for me. If we decide to proceed, I'll start onboarding you ASAP.