
Hi, I’m Tess

I’m a mom of three (ages 7, 9, and 11) and I got into the best shape of my life AFTER having kids. Let me explain:

I was active growing up - I did karate growing up and got my black belt, then I discovered weight training in university and quickly fell in love with bodybuilding and the challenge it gave me. But a few years into it, bodybuilding started to consume me. I became trapped in an all-or-nothing mindset that led to a year-long battle with a binge eating disorder and a poor relationship with exercise.

And then, a miracle happened: I got pregnant. And in an instant, everything changed.

I gave myself permission to eat whatever my body wanted and discovered flexible dieting. I embraced the routine and structure of motherhood and learned to leverage it to my advantage. I got my shit together.

I went back to the start and learned all about my NEW body - how to move it, how to feed it. I had less time to mess around now, so I stopped winging it with my workouts and nutrition and started getting more strategic.

But most importantly, my perspective shifted and I saw very clearly what was important to me, and because of that shift I’ve been able to accomplish some pretty cool stuff (see below!)

I knew during my very first pregnancy that I wanted to work with moms. This is a special group of humans who have given our bodies to our families - yet are left feeling disempowered in the aftermath. We are mis-understood and desperately under-served.

I became certified through ACE (American Council on Exercise) and have since worked with over a hundred moms to help them learn how to leverage their momlife to build muscle, get strong & sculpted!


  • Certified ACE Personal Trainer

  • 10 years experience

  • 100 moms served!

  • Fitness Magazine Covergirl

  • Black Belt GoJu Ryu Karate

  • Winner - Canadian Natural Nationals


In the media