I’ve helped moms…
build muscle
Lose bodyfat
Get stronger
Alex Hip Thrusting 245lbs
Melissa on her way to 6 unassisted pullups
Regan hitting a 245lb Deadlift personal best
And move better
Sarah squat progress
Brittany’s row progress
Client Testimonials
Crystal reached her body composition goals!
Melissa reached her pullup goal!
Training with Tess Franklin has been a very positive and motivating experience! One of my favourite sayings best describes working with Tess - “No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care”. Not only is Tess knowledgeable, but she genuinely cares about her clients and that makes all the difference! Her non-judgemental and individualized approach ensures that you understand and master the basics that will serve you well in achieving your fitness goals.
Thanks for the great program and support!
-Carol J.
Tess Franklin has been an exceptional coach. She gives options for ways to regress the exercises if they are too hard, or kick them into high gear if they are too easy. If you are nervous about doing personal training online, don’t be! She excels at explaining things in a way that is easy to understand and her demo videos are top notch.
Tess is incredibly relatable and down to earth and yet also inspiring. Working with her has been a pleasure. I’ve noticed a huge change in my capabilities, mindset, and habits over the last 12 weeks. I feel ready to tackle the next fitness challenge, no matter what it may be. She’s given us the tools we need to succeed in the future if we continue to use them!
-Mandy O.
I’ve done two personalized training programs with Tess and absolutely loved my experience. I really love her goal-focused approach. With Tess as my trainer, I mastered multiple compound lifts that I’d never dreamed I’d be capable of and even increased my deadlift weight by 25% over 3 months of training! Her attention to detail, honest and open feedback and passion for what she does make her an exceptional trainer. Highly recommend!!
-Brittany B.
I had noticed Tess' Instagram account and was motivated to finally take some time for myself and start incorporating fitness and health back into my life. Tess is a busy mom of three so I also knew she'd "get it" - the realities of being a mom! To say Tess is inspiring is an understatement; she has not only figured out how to embrace fitness and health into her life with her family, but encourages you to do the same. Her detail-oriented approach jives so well with my personality! It's easy to get distracted these days with bright shiny diets/fitness plans, but Tess keeps it real and starts with the basics. She knows what she's doing and I appreciate her taking the time to build the foundation for a healthy lifestyle. I think the biggest benefit I've noticed since working with Tess is just my commitment to take the time for myself on a consistent basis to eat healthier or be fit. Her bite-size changes don't make it overwhelming and for a busy mama of two with a full-time career, that made all the difference!
-Sarah C.
Tess motivated me to not view my postpartum journey as a setback. Instead she made me feel empowered to learn the skills and tools that will help me to build something I never had before, and to see this opportunity to get to know myself on a whole new level.
-Julia T.
It’s been an absolute pleasure working with Tess. In three months time she has taught me to be more aware and to understand how I should be moving my body while exercising. My old mentality was “hit it quick and get it done”. Now, I’m more methodical with my movements, understanding that solid form makes a world of difference. Tess personalizes my workouts to fit my life while continuing to move me out of my comfort zone enabling things I didn’t think possible. I could go on and on. Great coach!!!”
- Denise K